August 23, 2021
Clementine Hunter's World: Documentary on Clementine Hunter Aired on LBP

A documentary exploring the life and art of famed Louisiana artist Clementine Hunter aired on Louisiana Public Broadcasting this past August. Combining both vintage photographs, as well as paintings, the documentary paints a full and vibrant picture of the self-taught artist, who spent many of her years living on Melrose. Shot in its entirety in Louisiana and boosting a production crew of Louisiana locals, the documentary has been shown as far away as the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History. About the documentary, Beth Courtney, President and CEO of LBP, stated "Clementine Hunter’s body of work is more than just a Louisiana treasure; it’s a treasure we happily share with the entire world because of the priceless perspective she provides for us...LPB is so proud to be able to provide the broadcast debut to our statewide audience." Take a look at the full article linked below and make sure to check back to keep up to date with other artist documentaries!

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October 24, 2015