Chevron Quilt , 1960
74 x 54
The Chevron Quilt is pretty unique. It's made of small squares of fabric layered over one another where only the bottom corners are visible. Because of this, this quilt is quite heavy (11 lbs). A certificate of authenticity from the original owner of this quilt will accompany this piece. It describes the piece in more detail. It also states that this quilt was featured in several museum shows including one at the Ogden Museum in New Orleans in 2005. There is a photo by Clarence John Laughlin, commonly found on the internet of Clementine Hunter sitting on a couch in her home. She is sitting on a similar quilt to this one. That one had a sunburst pattern with the chevron shapes where this one has just horizontal rows.
Illustrated on page Plate 52, "Clementine Hunter, Her Life and Art" by Art Shiver and Tom Whitehead.